Saturday, May 14, 2005

Higher Education

So my mom just informed me that she's going to receive quite an inheretence from one of her family members...quite an inheretence. With that she told me that she is willing to pay half of any cost of pursuing a higher education I'd like! I'm stoked! For the last half a year or so I've sort of thought off and on about how much I'd like to work toward a college degree, and now the door is opening that I could do that in the future!

I'm thinking now about what I'd like to learn about. One thing that really interests me is history with a minor in religious studies. It's increadible to see how religion has shaped our world learn where people come from and how it dictates relations internationally today. I think this is vital to our world today and it is relevant in shaping the future we share.

With this degree I think it will shape and determine the things I pursue with my life and purpose--even if I decide to add a theological degree on top of it. I am so excited about this proposel!

Friday, May 13, 2005


I was sitting at the beach this morning watching the waves roll in under a sunrise-pink dawn and I saw two homeless men asleep under the trees around the shoreline. As the sun came up these men stirred, got up, brushed the sand off their clothes and started to stumble off down the road in a hung-over gait. It seems like such an ironic paradox that these beaches are home to the homeless, and yet the wealthy people of the world pay good money to take their shift at the same beaches...for entirely different reasons. They come for exotic location, beautiful sand, warm water--the homeless stay for safety and refuge.

Now, it's not just a random observation, but my brain is searching for the meaning of this. The rich are affording to get richer, while the poor are seeking temporary safety and comfort as they drift off to sleep in their sandy beds with their meth and herb and booze.

Where do we go?

Thursday, May 12, 2005


You know, I was just sitting thinking about my crap at work, ups and downs, etc...and I realized something:

I really love my wife. She rocks so hard. For however crappy my work is, she is that much cooler. For however stressed I get in life, she is that much sweeter. No matter what, she rocks the cazbah.

Hot damn I love her.

Let's get it started here.

OK, I'm up at the anus of dawn, supposed to be working, but I'm not. Fire me. I just finished a big ol' job and so I'm just waiting to figure out what I'm doing next. It's ok.

I tiled the little kitchen area in our office, and so of course to do that I had to pull everything out of there...fridge, carpet, file cabinets, you name it. So while I was tiling our fridge was sitting outside on a covered patio and there was this big push to finish the tile in order to put the fridge back. Alright. Good. I finished tiling, sealing, all that good stuff. So I was gonna put the fridge back--except the only person around was an 80 year old architech, he couldn't do too much. I decided I'd just muscle the fridge back in...which proved to be quite a feat. I dollied it up and started taking it back inside, not remembering it was a three person job to get it outside in the first place. I bullied and shoved, manipulated that beast around the corners and got to the final doorway. By the way, when you're moving a fridge alone you learn things quickly, like if you pull a refridgerator into a hallway, you're stuck in front of said I had to jump over this beast a couple of times to get infront/behind it. It was a good time. After a few minutes of exertion I got to the last doorway and figured it was cake time. But no, I realized as I went this refridgerator was really just barely narrower than the door...which meant for some fancy twists and pulling. I think I scratched my sweet fresh tile job a couple times in this process since the fridge doesn't have the little rollers for some reason, and I cut up the door frame. (Fortunately it is only superficial--I'll just touch up the paint) The end is in sight! I just had to get the fridge snug to the wall and I was finished! I re-organized the contents as the mustard, garlic, syrup (why is there syrup and garlic in an office fridge?!) and considered the job done! Hallelujah!

About 15 minutes later I got a call from my boss. "Hey, I see you got the fridge back into the room! Well, I decided I want to buy a new small fridge to put in that back kitchen." WHAT?! So today I will probably pull the bastard out again. I'm gonna get help this time.

This is why I'm not concerned about getting started today on time.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Here I am!

Alright! I just decided it's nessisary to have an outlet to just ramble...disregard spelling, coherent thought, or whatever else seems right.

Don't expect much.