Saturday, November 19, 2005

Working class hero

OK. Well. Work.

I'm looking forward to a lifelong, enriching carreer. No, actually I hate it. And I for sure do not want a lifelong job in construction (in Hawaii). It's hard to know what's the right thing to do with work...because my boss is kinda a hoser. I already mentioned my pay-scale situation; but also last week we had to get this wall finished, because "concrete comes tommorow and it needs to be done! I'll make it worthwile if you stay late, Ben." So I stayed (alone) till 6:00 on Friday evening. That means not just a promised extra something-something, but overtime....which he doesn't do. What?!? You don't do overtime? It's just regular hourly pay? Why the heck did I stay late, why did I come in on a Saturday to work?! C'mon!

Plus now I'm doing lots of babysitting with my co-workers. Oke (Oh-Kee)(my boss) wants me to clock everyone in and out, keep track of lunch hours, make sure everyone is doing just so... I just don't get it.

So don't tell Oke, but I might start looking for a job somewhere else. I think there is work closer to home, doing what I prefer to do (framing), that pays the same or better. Why not?

I'm still working on what kind of job would pay lots of money for doing something sweet. Like I wanna be one of those newspaper restraunt critics or something. Maybe I can still do the rock and roll thing. Well....ask me about this after I go back to college. We'll see where I'm at.


Blogger Running2Ks said...

I'm sorry the job isn't working out. I hope you get a new one that lets you have time to do more of the stuff you want to do.

11:03 AM  
Blogger Uncle Fatso said...

It is working out....I just need to complain about it... thanks though.

10:07 PM  
Blogger Uncle Fatso said...

...I just get frustrated a bit about things that are out side of my control...

10:07 PM  
Blogger RollersCait said...

Sho! You are so rad, and I think looking elsewhere is a good idea, even if you decide not to act on it. It's a great thing to be able to look around and see whats out there, and you could even bring it to your boss's attention that you're worth more than what he's paying.
Good Luck! You're so RAD!!!
see you soon,

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought I'd heard that you were heading back to the PNW. Is that too far away to seem near. If so, why not look at improving your quality of life? As Joseph Campbell says, follow your bliss.

9:48 PM  
Blogger Uncle Fatso said...

Yeah...I'm so excited to move back to the PNW!! So my goal right now is just to work, work, work. YWAM isn't really the most profitable venture, so we're strapped right now for cashola. Basically I want to spend the next coupla months busting my butt so I can move home and set up a new place to live and get ready to go back to school.

5:22 PM  

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