Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Drum roll please....!

Well, guess what? I've discovered what I'm doing with my life! (Well, at least for then next few years!) I don't know if I've blogged this new direction yet; if I have just disregard all this.

I've been contemplating a return to school for some time, but it's been overwhelming at times because I've had no clue what I'd study. I've found a degree that is super exciting and really important to me. I am planning to return to Seattle this spring to (first get a transfer degree from Seattle Central Community College) attend U.W. for a degree called Community, Environment, and Planning. The purpose of this degree is to study social issues (community development, human rights) and environmental issues (land use, preservation, agriculture etc.) and develop methods of addressing both groups of issues.

This degree is so powerful because I strongly believe that you can't develop a community without addressing the environment around it. And if you want to successfully protect and preserve the land you need to develop the mindset of the community. Example: I lived in Mexico for close to three years. Many times I organized huge garbage pick-up days, mobilizing 100-150 young people to fill up garbage bags with the garbage left on the beaches and around certain ghetto areas. I think this was a powerful thing to do, we normally carted somewhere between 200 and 300 garbage bags full of trash to the dump in one afternoon! The problem is that we didn't do anything for the neighborhood--they just saw less garbage for the next few days; three days later the beaches were looked like we never did anything! It is so important to work on preserving this planet, and while we do that we must help people develop a sense of self-worth and personal health. What does it matter, after all, if the streets are dirty if I can't feed my three children because I earn $50 a week?

So I'm really excited to go back to the North West. I'm jazzed to learn more about something that is already close to my heart. I hope that this will direct me to better ways to serve the people around me and this world in which I live.