Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Natural Orchestration

I drove my wife in to work the other day at 5 in the morning. Butt early. It was cool though, because normally I end up going to work at the same time, but this morning I went home and back to bed. Before I crashed I sat out on my patio and just listened. It was amazing: the crickets and other insects were just finishing their nightly duties so they were chirping quietly, as the birds in the trees just were getting up to take their shifts...it was a beautiful thing to have the insect percusion keeping tempo while the birds sang their morning fanfare, accentuated by the roosters down the road greeting the day. Every once in a while a truck would drive down the road, pushing air around it's metal frame, drowning out the songs in the morning.

I tell you what, no one does suround sound like God.


Blogger Running2Ks said...

That is a really neat way of phrasing that!

1:37 PM  

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